hunting in Tasmania

50 posts

The new Burris Thermal is a real rip snorter

Earlier this year, we had an opportunity to test out the brand new Burris Thermal Handheld (BTH 35). What we discovered was a rip snorting thermal optic device that turns up the heat on night shooting and lets you own the night. Or as we like to say, it helps you hunt when you can’t see shit!

Difference between hunting and poaching

The difference between hunting and poaching

Hunting and poaching. They are two words that have somehow become synonymous with each other. But are they the same thing, or are they wildly different? In this article, we will look at the main differences between hunting and poaching, and show how one gives back to wildlife while the other takes indiscriminately.

culling cockies

Culling cockies

Cockatoos are not only synonymous with the Australian bush, they are a much-favoured addition to aviaries around the world. Despite being protected, they can still be killed under crop protection permits. In this article, we explore why cockatoos are culled, and why anyone would want to kill such an iconic bird.

Always clearly identify your target

Game species of Australia

As a new hunter, navigating the complex rules of hunting can be quite a challenge, especially when it comes to figuring out what species can be legally hunted in Australia. This is compounded by the fact that every state and territory seems to have different rules and regulations surrounding wildlife classifications. One state’s feral pest is another state’s partly protected game species. Add native wildlife to the mix and things get even more complicated. In this article, we provide some information on the different game species of Australia, as well as where and how they can be hunted.