If hunting is so bad, why have 133 scientists written an open letter to the UK government urging them not to ban trophy hunting? Could it be they understand the negative impact it will have on conservation and animal populations?
population management
Do trophy hunters really kill endangered animals? If you were to read the news headlines, you’d believe Tess Talley really did murder an endangered and rare black giraffe, but what is the truth?
Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email Share on telegram Telegram Did you know that recreational hunting has done more to save critically endangered wildlife species than all other conservation activities combined? Recently, we looked at how […]
Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email Share on telegram Telegram It is one of the biggest paradoxes of wildlife conservation that killing animals could be the best way to save them. In fact, on the surface, […]
Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email Share on telegram Telegram If animals really did exhibit human traits, then the fox could well be described as the best PR consultant in the history of the world. He’s […]
In this I Am Hunter podcast we talk to Daniel Boniface, an environmental scientist, about public land hunting in Queensland and the damage from feral pests.
Did you know that Australia has over 5 million feral donkeys that cause untold damage to our environment? While hunting donkeys may not seem very sportsmanlike, recreational hunting is definitely a worthwhile part of the overall solution to reducing feral donkey numbers.
We have all heard it said that trophy hunting is harmful to wildlife conservation. Tell that to the rare and endangered markhor, which is actually growing in number since Pakistan introduced trophy hunting as part of its wildlife conservation program.