In this podcast, we talk to Jason Spencer from Hunt Catch Cook about hunting bears in the USA and what to cook for Christmas day!
In this podcast, we explore the misinformation that has been spread and talk about how easy it is for people to ‘hate’ hunters and hunting when they are ill-informed. Especially when it concerns animal populations and the perception of endangered status.
In this I Am Hunter podcast, we chat to Steve Hall, President of the Game Hunters Association of Australia (GHAA) about hunting in Australia.
Find out how I Am Hunter is partnering with Sun Africa Safaris to fund the Sun Project. Learn about how as hunters we can help rural communities around the world.
In this I Am Hunter podcast with Liberal MP, Guy Barnett, we talk about the importance of hunting and fishing in Tasmania, and the opportunities for growth in the industry. We also do the political two-step with Guy on that contentious issue of bowhunting in Tasmania.
In this podcast, we reminisce about the good old days of hunting. From the recent good old days (like a month ago when we could still hunt) and 40 years ago when you could walk down the street with a rifle slung over your shoulder.
We sat down with the Lord of the Lettuce, aka Garrick Cameron to talk about lettuce, politics and hunting NZ.
In this I Am Hunter podcast, we talk to Jesse Phillips about hunting in America, teaching his kids to hunt, and life as a Marine. We also discuss what it was like growing up with twelve brothers and sisters, and answer one of the most important questions in the universe – does pineapple belong on pizza (of course it does).
How do you eat an elephant? According to Member of Parliament, Robert Borsak , it really is one bite at a time. It’s the same way Robert takes on the big fish in Australian politics, too. We chat to Robert Borsak in this I Am Hunter podcast.
In this I Am Hunter podcast, we chat to hunting guide Brad Berry and Australian hunter Hayden Hanratty about hunting in New Zealand during The Roar and passing up a big buck.
Mark Burrows has travelled around the country hunting everything from deer to sharks with his bow. The team sat down to chat with him about his hunts and the work that he does with the Australian Bowhunters Association to defend the rights of bowhunters and ensure future generations can enjoy it too.
Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email Share on telegram Telegram I Am Hunter team member, Rebecca Byfield, spoke to Jason Selmes from Australian Hunting Podcast in the lead up to the Federal Election to discuss her […]
Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email Share on telegram Telegram Recently, the team did a podcast with Matthias Turner (Matty) from Becoming a Bowhunter podcast to talk about how HuntShack got started, and how that led […]
Rod and Jess chat with Danny Vanbrugh about his scary encounter with a water buffalo late last year. They discuss how Danny got into guiding and taxidermy, the buffalo attack itself, how he made it out alive and also the reaction he got from the antis.
In this I Am Hunter podcast we talk to Daniel Boniface, an environmental scientist, about public land hunting in Queensland and the damage from feral pests.