Have you ever wondered how to de-bone venison legs? In the video above, Jess shows some simple steps on how to de-bone a deer shoulder, butchering two deer shoulders – one from a small doe and another from a bigger buck, so that you can see the technique from a couple of different perspectives.
Butchering deer is not difficult and just requires following a few simple butchering techniques. One of the important things we cover in this video is where to find the glands that are in a shoulder. Leaving the glands in the meat is what can cause your venison to have the more gamey flavour that people often complain about with wild game meat. By removing them, your meat will have a milder flavour.
The glands are small and oval shaped. They are a greyish or yellow colour that will stand out from the white fat or red meat around them. Look out for them in large sections of fat especially in the joints of the animal and near large veins or arteries.
Try not to but if you do cut through one while you are butchering the meat, give your knife a quick wipe before continuing.
Don’t forget to check out how to wet age your venison meat, which really helps to soften and tenderise wild game meat.
Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or send us an email to team@huntshack.net.
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