Pulled Kangaroo with Coleslaw

Pulled Kangaroo

Who doesn’t love a bit of Tex-Mex?! We decided to put a bit of an Aussie spin on the crowd pleaser – pulled pork – by replacing Babe with Skippy. Now a word of warning before we begin, you need a reasonable level of fitness to prepare this meal as Skippy has a tendency to try and hop off your plate! Don’t say we don’t do anything for you guys – that is a free Dad joke right there ready for you to pull out if you do give this recipe a go 😉

Time to prepare: 20 mins (+ 3-4 hrs cooking time)

Serves: 4


  • 1kg kangaroo rump (we used Eastern Grey Kangaroo from a pest control hunt)
  • BBQ dry rub (just use your favourite)
  • 1 cup chipotle sauce
  • 1 cup BBQ sauce
  • Olive oil


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180C (350F)
  2. Cover the kangaroo rump in the dry rub
  3. Heat oil in a deep, heavy-based frying pan
  4. Brown rump on all sides
  5. Place into oven tray
  6. Mix chipotle and BBQ sauce
  7. Cover rump with sauce mix
  8. Cover tray with aluminium foil
  9. Place in oven and cook for approx. 3-4 hours

Serving suggestion: we served ours with homemade coleslaw and it was delicious! You could serve your pulled kangaroo on burgers, with a salad or in tacos.

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