Being able to spot and stalk an animal in the wild is an important part of learning how to hunt. If you hunt with a rifle, it can mean the difference between an easy close-range shot, and having to shoot from a greater distance. If you hunt with a bow, […]
Daily Archives: 29 March 2019
3 posts
Did you know that Australia has over 5 million feral donkeys that cause untold damage to our environment? While hunting donkeys may not seem very sportsmanlike, recreational hunting is definitely a worthwhile part of the overall solution to reducing feral donkey numbers.
Camo I’d say a good 90 percent of my camo is Badlands. Not only are their clothes well made, I also find their camo patterns blend well in the Aussie bush. I supplement my Badlands gear with a little bit of Under Armour, Stoney Creek, Hunters Element and Spika. I […]