Ep 8: Hunting America with Jesse Phillips

Hunting America with Jesse Phillips
Hunting America with Jesse Phillips

In this I Am Hunter podcast, we talk to Jesse Phillips about hunting in America, teaching his kids to hunt, and life as a Marine. We also discuss what it was like growing up with twelve brothers and sisters, and answer one of the most important questions in the universe – does pineapple belong on pizza (of course it does).

Hunting in America is definitely a lot more established than it is in Australia, and there’s a lot we could learn from their hunting industry.

hunting America with Jesse Phillips

Over the last twelve months, he’s been put through the wringer, recovering from career altering injuries, being robbed on holidays with his wife, having his identity stolen several times, and almost losing his wife and newborn son to a medical emergency. But through it all, Jesse has kept it together, and has even managed to use his trials and tribulations to speak hope into other people’s lives.

Jesse Phillips

The Jesse R Phillips is one of the nicest guys we have ever had the privilege of getting to know and embraces the Semper Fi (always faithful, always loyal) motto of the Marines with every fibre of his being.

Hunting America with Jesse Phillips

He now works as a visual story teller for Blood Origins, but has also done quite a bit of work with his good friend, Graham Allen.

You can follow the real Jesse R Phillips (not one of those fakes trying to cash in on his nice guy status) on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or his blog. You can also listen to Jesse’s own ramblings about life on his podcast The Program.

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