HuntShack banned from Facebook due to proposed laws

For anyone in Australia this is ‘old news’, but as of this morning Facebook has pulled all news services from it’s platform and effective immediately has deleted all content from any page they deem ‘news’. At this point in time this means our HuntShack Facebook page has been disabled as they apparently feel we are a news service. I guess it’s kinda flattering.

Facebook issued a reply to anyone disputing this ban by saying “I am writing to confirm that due to new laws in Australia, from today we will reluctantly restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content on Facebook. You can read about our decision in this newsroom post.”

What this means is going forward, anyone using Facebook will be unable to view or share Australian news content on their platform or content from any Australian news websites.

We don’t know when this issue will be resolved and we don’t know when we will have our Facebook site back up but for now you can still find us on Instagram and YouTube (for now) and you can always find our content on MOTV and here on – or scroll to the bottom of this page and sign up for our newsletter so you can always hear from us.

We will update everyone as we find out what’s going on.

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I Am Hunter wants to change the way hunting is perceived and to change the conversation from a negative one driven by anti-hunters to a positive one led by hunters.

Our goal is to help hunters become positive role models and ambassadors for hunting, while simultaneously helping non-hunters understand why hunting is important. 

You can become a supporter and help us achieve our goal and spread a positive message about hunting with the wider community. 

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